the unforgettable encounter

The Unforgettable Encounter

Episode 3

the unforgettable encounter

Click to read Episode 2

“Jeremiah Eze!” The driver called out.

He looked startled; wondering who could know him.

Lo and behold! It was his bosom friend in secondary school.

“George Julius!” Jeremiah exclaimed.

The Unforgettable Encounter

George alighted from the vehicle and ran to him. They hugged each other.

“Today must be a great day. It is so good to see you again.” George said.

“Same here. My friend! My brother!” Jeremiah screamed for joy.

“Yes oh! In flesh and in blood! How are you?” George asked.

“I am fine. We thank God and you?” he asked.

“After seeing you; well, I would say I am great.” George replied and continued “Where are you going to? Please come in let me take you there.”

Jeremiah entered George’s car. He tried to comport himself but his thoughts wandered – Mehn! See car! This one is not motor. This is a car. Kai! This seat ehn. The air conditioner sef is blowing wella; just what I need this sunny morning.

The Unforgettable Encounter

“Where have you been, George? You just disappeared like that.” Jeremiah asked.

“Jerry, my brother, I have been everywhere. Remember that undergraduate scholarship that we applied for; the one I told you to tell your parents about; I got the scholarship. I had to be in the States in less than two weeks due to the deadline. I even thought we would meet there.” George said.

“Wait oh! That same scholarship! I got the scholarship too but I didn’t tell my parents about it because I concluded that the cost of preparation would be too high for them.” Jeremiah concluded with his head bowed.

The Unforgettable Encounter

“That’s all in the past now. So what have you been up to? Any wife and kids?” George asked.

“I have a wife and a son, you?” Jeremiah replied with a forced smile. At least he had some things to be grateful for.

“That is nice, I have a wife and three children but they are in the States.” George replied.

“Wow! So what did you come here to do?” Jeremiah asked.

“Well, I came to check my landed properties. I want to erect some structures on them.” George replied and asked, “What do you do?”

Click to read Episode 4


6 thoughts on “The Unforgettable Encounter”

    1. Thank you Emmanuel. You are right. It is very much easier to focus on things that are not working especially with the high rate of competition among peers. Thank you for your feedback; it is well appreciated.

  1. Hi,
    Wow… I am still trying to breathe… How things change.
    John’s incredible encounter is what I eager to hear next.

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